
percentage of blue eyes by country

In other words, it's impossible to know for sure if your children will have blue eyes or any other color. As of 2010, researchers believe that as many as 16 different genes influence eye color in humans, and most of these genes play a crucial role in the production, transportation, and storage of melanin pigment. [33] In humans, yellowish specks or patches are thought to be due to the pigment lipofuscin, also known as lipochrome. Heterochromia (heterochromia iridum or heterochromia iridis) is an eye condition in which one iris is a different color from the other (complete heterochromia), or where a part of one iris is a different color from the remainder (partial heterochromia or sectoral heterochromia). Some speculate that this change in environment was a contributing factor. [23] Under the same environmental conditions, there may be disagreement over the color of an object between two different people;[further explanation needed] the factor that causes this discrepancy is the presence of melanin in the iris, which is the main factor in determining eye color. See More by this Creator. The higher the melanin concentration in the iris, the darker the eye color will be. They lower your risk of developing cataracts, for instance. [30][31] Amber eyes should not be confused with hazel eyes. It is, therefore, interesting to note how eye colors vary worldwide and the different percentages of people in the world that have brown, blue, hazel, amber, green, and gray eyes. Why do some people have light blue eyes and others have dark blue? Redheads can change temperature quicker. The answer largely depends on where you live or where your ancestors came from. Give Orange. Moreover, a gray iris may indicate uveitis, while those with blue, green, or gray eyes are at an increased risk of uveal melanoma. or brown eyes. Gray is the second-rarest natural eye color after green, with 3% of the world's population having it. Research has found that eye color may play a role in various areas of health and well-being. Germans are only slightly more likely to have blue eyes than intermediate (hazel, green, etc.) The Greek goddess Athene appears with gray eyes (). Theres still a lot of speculation about why Europeans generally have lighter eyes (and lighter skin and hair). Amber eyes may also contain amounts of very light gold-ish gray. Mujica-Mota MA, Schermbrucker J, Daniel SJ. [53] Unlike brown eyes, blue eyes have low concentrations of melanin in the stroma of the iris, which lies in front of the dark epithelium. [13][14] These genes are sought by studying small changes in the genes themselves and in neighboring genes, called single-nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs. The AAO states that those with central heterochromia have iris with two differently colored rings, while those with complete heterochromia have one iris with a different color. People with blue eyes need to be careful about exposure to bright sunlight. When it comes to first impressions, the little things make all the difference. [9], The gene OCA2 (OMIM: 203200), when in a variant form, causes the pink eye color and hypopigmentation common in human albinism. Blue-eyed, fair-skinned settlers inhabited the Levant some 6,500 years ago, according to an international interdisciplinary team of scientists. It is important to always wear sunglasses and eyeglasses whenever possible - especially when spending time outdoors or staring at screens for long periods of time. The macula, which is at the retina's center, is susceptible to damage as you age. Norway. This is because - according to research - redheads are more sensitive to hot and cold pain. [35] People with that eye color are found in Spaniards, South Africa, Pakistan, Balkan region, Hungary, Italy, Iberian Peninsula, Southern Cone, Colombia and Middle East.[36]. In these cases, the only color seen is the red from the hemoglobin of the blood in the capillaries of the iris. [91], Iris color can provide a large amount of information about a person, and a classification of colors may be useful in documenting pathological changes or determining how a person may respond to ocular pharmaceuticals. Red Hair Is Thicker. All About Vision and AllAboutVision.com are registered trademarks of AAV Media, LLC. [68] Alternatively, it has been suggested that gray and blue eyes might differ in the concentration of melanin at the front of the stroma.[68]. Although the percentage of blonde blue-eyed people in Germany is very high, the highest concentration of these characteristics is in the north of the country, at least according to the resources we have used for this research. Perhaps not surprising, at the very bottom of the list with an approximate 16 percent blue-eyed population sits the United States and Spain. That doesn't necessarily mean that the parents themselves have to have blue eyes; it's possible they carry the gene, but it is recessive. Blue eyes are more concentrated in certain regions than others. Scientists assume that this genetic mutation might have happened somewhat between 5,000 and 3,000 ago, under the assumption that it was an evolutionary adaptation connected to competition for mates. Researchers believe there is one ancestor responsible for blue eyes that descended from the Black Sea region of southeastern Europe anywhere between 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. Just 2.2 percent of male CEOs had blond hair, a 2005 study found. In the US only 1 out of 6 people have a light (blue) eye colour. It is darkest when we are at our healthiest and naturally fades . We all know those people whose eyes look nothing like their parents, but there was some cousin or ancestor in their family that they resemble much to. It's also the story of the bond she fights to maintain with her 10 year-old sister, Arina. Estonia is the country most known for its fair-skinned, blue-eyed population, followed closely by Finland. Europe was the epicenter of the blue-eye gene mutation. The iris is the colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil. Green eyes are common in Europe's Central, Western, and Northern regions. Although these conditions cannot permanently change the color of the iris, they generally affect the eyes sclera or cornea. Blue eyes are caused by a gene mutation. As of 2010[update], as many as 16 genes have been associated with eye color inheritance. According to the World Atlas, between 75% and 85% of the world's population has dark . Gray eyes: A rare and beautiful eye color. Blue Eyes - 8 to 10%. [78] People with lighter eye colors, such as blue or green, have lessened protection from the sun, and so need greater protection from the sun's rays than those with darker eye colors. Send a Message. Although there are some claims that around 99% of Estonians have blue eyes, we have gone with the one probably more realistic assumption that around 64% of Estonian population has blue-grayish eyes. Now, geneticists suggest everybody with non-brown eyes can trace their eye color back to that one person. That's 13 million people, out of the 7.6 billion on Earth. In fact, only about 17 percent of the world's population has blue eyes. Blue is the most common eye colour in Britain, researchers found. [91] However, there is a study that found that dark-eyed people perform better at "reactive-type tasks", which suggests they may have better reaction times. Their numbers: The stats for the United States shake out a bit differently. One possible explanation for the difference in the appearance of gray and blue eyes is that gray eyes have larger deposits of collagen in the stroma, so that the light that is reflected from the epithelium undergoes Mie scattering (which is not strongly frequency-dependent) rather than Rayleigh scattering (in which shorter wavelengths of light are scattered more). The mutation occurred between . Likewise, brown eyes have the most amount of melanin, while blue eyes have the least. Blue eyes with a brown spot, green eyes, and gray eyes are caused by an entirely different part of the genome. Since the inner ear uses melanin, and blue eyes come from a lack of melanin, some researchers hypothesize there may be a link between eye color and acquired hearing loss. Green 2.0%. Brown melanin is the only pigment that exists in the eye; there is no pigment for hazel or green or blue. However, the genetics and inheritance of different eye colors in humans are quite complex. Nevertheless, green eyes are common in a few parts of the world, like Ireland and Scotland. About half of people living in the U.S. and a higher population in Africa, and Asia are brown-eyed. Whether you have blue, brown, green, or hazel eyes, always take good care of your eyes, it will keep them healthy for years to come! WorldAtlas. Since beauty is nowadays mostly the matter of a subjective opinion, there are still some standards that define someone as beautiful, but on that matter, you will find more interesting information in the article aboutcountries with the most beautiful women in Europe andcountries with the most beautiful women in the world. People with blue eyes have a single, common ancestor, according to new research. However, they might increase your risk of health problems like type 1 diabetes and eye cancer. Most researchers believe that blue-eyed individuals may be more dominant among certain populations and less present in others. Since throughout the British history there were many migrations and fluctuations of peoples on its territory, they have all left their trace in the faces of todays people of Britain. Contact an eye doctor if you need medical attention. A global view of the OCA2-HERC2 region and pigmentation. [47][48] In Scotland, 29% of people have green eyes. If you inherit blue-eye genes from your parents, it means that your eyes will have less of a pigment called melanin in them. Blue eyes as a risk factor for type 1 diabetes. 4. This article discusses where blue eyes come from and how having blue eyes may increase your risk for certain health conditions. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A common cause in females with heterochromia is X-inactivation, which can result in a number of heterochromatic traits, such as calico cats. Photochromic lenses are another way to protect blue eyes from UV radiation. SEE RELATED: Is blue the rarest eye color? The inheritance pattern followed by blue eyes was previously assumed to be a mendelian recessive trait, however, eye color inheritance is now recognized as a polygenic trait, meaning that it is controlled by the interactions of several genes. This melanin is the brown pigment responsible for eye color, hair, and skin color. Are contact lenses a good choice for kids? [92] In another study, people with darker eyes performed better at hitting racquetballs. They lower your risk of developing cataracts, for instance. ", "Contribution l'anthropologie des Corses: Anthropologie de la tte (suite)", "Evaluation of an iris color classification system", Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, "Subspecies comparison of the Genus: Corucia", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eye_color&oldid=1140743886. Plus, although this cancer is extremely rare, light-eyed folks are also more susceptible to sun damage from exposure to UV rays. Melanin is also responsible for the color of our skin, eyes and hair. Although most common eye color in Latvia that ranks 7th on our list oftop countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage ofpopulation, is blue and greyish-blue and hair blond, there is also a certain amount of population being grey-eyes and brown haired, whose roots can probably be traced to the ancient Livs, who have later been assimilated. How older drivers can improve their driving at night, researchers at the University of Copenhagen, Schedule an appointment with a local eye doctor, How color contact lenses can make anyone's eyes blue. Changes (lightening or darkening) of eye color during early childhood, puberty, pregnancy, and sometimes after serious trauma (like heterochromia) suggest that eyes sometimes change color under certain circumstances, due to chemical reactions or hormonal changes within the body. 3. Hazel eyes are most common in North Africa, the Middle East, Brazil, and Spain. In addition to having significantly less melanin in their iris than people with brown eyes, hazel eyes or green eyes, blue-eyed individuals don't have very much variation in the part of their DNA responsible for melanin production. Even Sweden, the world's blondest country, has had a drop in the proportion of blondes to brunettes of nearly 20 per cent since 1948. . Quizzes; Events; Quiz Creation; Community; Videos; Private Events . An iris that appears blue under this method of observation is more likely to remain blue as the infant ages. Blue eyes are also found in southern Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa and West Asia. In cases of central Heterochromia, the irises are identical, but there is a ring of different colors around the pupil. Brown eyes result from a relatively high concentration of melanin in the stroma of the iris, which causes light of both shorter and longer wavelengths to be absorbed.[27]. Brown eyes in an otherwise mostly light-eyed region may point to a genetic leftover and a time in history during which everyone in the world had brown eyes. Although rare, green eyes are found to be rather catchy especially . Unlike hazel eyes, which appear to shift colors, amber eyes have a solid gold hue. The amount of damage depends on wavelength and exposure time . [74][75][76] Eyes that appear red or violet under certain conditions due to albinism are less than 1 percent of the world's population. 2011;27(6):609-613. doi:10.1002/dmrr.1214. Iris color and associated pathological ocular complications: a review of epidemiologic studies. In fact, more than half of all Americans age 80 or older either have cataracts or have had surgery to get rid of cataracts. Age-Related Macular Degeneration. 9. Contact lenses can give your eyes a hazel appearance. [46], Green eyes are most common in Northern, Western and Central Europe. [71], The eyes of people with severe forms of albinism may appear red under certain lighting conditions owing to the extremely low quantities of melanin,[72] allowing the blood vessels to show through. The incidence of blue eyes continues to decline among American children. While blue eyes may be rare, they're among the most common eye colors at birth. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Scientists believe that all blue-eyed people trace back to a common ancestor, who most likely carried a genetic mutation that resulted in reduced melanin production. Many babies born with blue eyes experience a change in color as more pigment develops within the first three years. Bookmark Quiz Bookmark Quiz Bookmark. The color of our eyes depends on how much melanin is present in the iris. This is why many babies are born with blue eyes, only to have their eye color change as their irises develop more melanin throughout early childhood. Cylindrical cells are the photoreceptors of the eye that have a black and white vision and, depending on the amount of light received from the environment, determine the amount of darkness and brightness of objects. Because blue eyes contain less melanin than most other eye colors, they may be more at risk of certain damage. Just 22 per cent now have brown eyes, while 30 . Scientists believe that all blue-eyed people can be traced back to a common ancestor, who probably had a genetic mutation that reduced their melanin in the iris. Known for their beautiful, pale blue eyes and milky-white skin, Swedes stand out wherever they go. Hum Genet. The color of our eyes depends on how much melanin is present in the iris. Hazel (sometimes grouped with amber) Green. (An estimated 55 percent of all people . Since Norway is on the 3 rd place of the top countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage of population . Take a look in the mirror. A chimera can have two different colored eyes just like any two siblings canbecause each cell has different eye color genes. As explained by livescience.com, "a single mutation which arose as recently as . The colored part of the eye is called the iris. Similarly, people with hazel, gray and green eyes have varying quantities of tint in the front layer. So don't be concerned if your child begins to lose their baby-blue eye color. It's completely normal to see blue become brown, hazel, or even green as they get a little older. So, there's less worry of a vitamin D deficiency for redheads. Waardenburg Syndrome: Pale Blue Eyes, Hearing Loss, and More. Only 2% of the world's population have green eyes, making it the rarest eye color. Even though there is a high number of blond and blue-eyed people living in Britain today, the highest percentage of blue eyes is recorded in South East Scotland with 57%. Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. Grey 0%. If you have dark brown hair and brown eyes, you have something in common with most people around the globe. Sorry, no results has been found matching your query. Less melanin, the eyes are blue. [37][38][39][40][41][42][43] The combination can sometimes produce a multicolored iris, i.e., an eye that is light brown/amber near the pupil and charcoal or dark green on the outer part of the iris (or vice versa) when observed in sunlight. [7] Humans and other animals have many phenotypic variations in eye color. Sturm R.A. & Larsson M., Genetics of human iris colour and patterns, Pigment Cell Melanoma Res, 22:544-562, 2009. [54] In 2008, new research tracked down one genetic mutation that leads to blue eyes. [73], Although the deep blue eyes of some people such as Elizabeth Taylor can appear purple or violet at certain times, "true" violet-colored eyes occur only due to albinism. Amber eye color is commonly found in Pakistan and the Balkan region, as well as in Southern France, the Iberian Peninsula, Italy, and Hungary, and in fewer numbers in the Middle East, Colombia, and the Southern Cone region. The brown color comes from melanin, a pigment in our eyes that also gives a brown color to hair, skin and other cells. Eye color may not remain constant throughout your life. But about 30 percent of left-handed folks are either partial to the right hemisphere or have no dominant hemisphere at all. So, the more melanin you have, the darker your eyes appear. Green eyes: The most attractive eye color? The extensive study on the genetic mutation was carried out by researchers at three Japanese universities; the research concluded that the genetic mutation occurred around 9,000 BC, as a result of various environmental and evolutionary factors. [14] As of 2006[update], one out of every six Americans, or 16.6% of the total US population, has blue eyes,[65] including 22.3% of whites. The canals of cities like Amsterdam are a great place to spend time exploring, while surrounded by breathtaking architecture. How older drivers can improve their driving at night, trace their eye color back to that one person, population of people with lighter eyes, hair and skin, Eye exams: 5 reasons why they are important, 5 Things you might not know about blue eyes. [citation needed], Those with lighter iris color have been found to have a higher prevalence of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) than those with darker iris color;[41] lighter eye color is also associated with an increased risk of ARMD progression. Since Norway is on the 3rd place of the top countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage ofpopulation, there are still many darker native Norwegians than it could be expected. Find an eyecare professional and book online in minutes! In Norway, an estimated 75% of the population . Blue is the second most common eye color globally, with estimates suggesting that 8-10% of people have blue eyes. Read our. The color of ones eye is perhaps one of the first things people observe when they see each other. "Blue eyes are seen as powerful. That same study suggested an intriguing possibility: Blue-eyed northern Europeans may have somehow adapted an ability to fend off seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D., also known as the winter blues). The brown eye colour is in the US the . It shows up in about 9% of Americans but only 2% of the world's population. doi:10.1016/j.heares.2014.12.002, Donnelly MP, Paschou P, Grigorenko E, et al. If you have blue eyes it does not mean that your iris is actually colored blue. Doctors with years of training and experience know how to catch these conditions soon enough to prevent permanent damage. Most eye color changes have been observed or reported in the Caucasian population with hazel and amber eyes. The North American brothers are similarly blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Its the dominant eye color in people with Native American and African ancestry, as well as those with family trees that trace back to Asia, the Middle East, Central or South America and other nations where brown eye color is the most common. This color transition can take anywhere from a few months to three years to run its course. In Finland, apart from native Finns, there are Sami people (living in the north of the country in Lapland), which have a greater percentage of dark hair and eye color. Brown irises contain more or less melanin. Krystina is a Technical Writer with a background in healthcare. This part surrounds the pupil -- the small black hole in the eye's middle that regulates the light. Protecting your eyes and getting regular check ups is important no matter the color of your irises. International Journal of Ophthalmology. Get our editors daily picks straight in your inbox! While blue eyes may be rare . The iris is made up of two layers of muscle and other kinds of cells. The different types of uveitis are: Anterior uveitis, Intermediate uveitis, Posterior uveitis, and Pan-uveitis. Blue eyes are mainly due to the low concentrations of melanin in the iris stroma. [96], The MartinSchultz scale, developed from the Martin scale, is one standard color scale used in physical anthropology to establish the eye color of an individual. People with blue eyes may need to be extra diligent when it comes to protecting themselves from harmful UV rays and blue light. Iris color and associated pathological ocular complications: a review of epidemiologic studies. Cavin Herbert Eye Institute. Gray eyes can also be found among the Algerian Shawia people[69] of the Aurs Mountains in Northwest Africa, in the Middle East/West Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia. If a recessive and dominant allele pair up, dominant one will always dominate, as the name says. Blue eyes are the second most common eye color in the world. . Eye color results from the amount of pigment (melanin) you have in the front layer (stroma). Whats the Difference Between Vitiligo and Albinism? [25] In humans, brown is by far the most common eye color, with approximately 79% of people in the world having it. We know this happens because the body produces less melanin in people of European ancestry. [27] Green eyes contain the yellowish pigment lipochrome.[52]. A team of scientists has tracked down a genetic mutation that leads to blue eyes. Eye color is a polygenic phenotypic character determined by two factors: the pigmentation of the eye's iris and the frequency-dependence of the scattering of light by the turbid medium in the stroma of the iris. Most Asian and African children are born with brown and black eyes. The authors note, "Despite brown eyes ranking at the bottom of our perceived attraction scale, approximately 79% of the world's population sports melanin-rich eyes. Although hazel mostly consists of brown and green, the dominant color in the eye can either be brown/gold or green. People with green eyes may also experience discoloration, however, this only occurs in eyes which are unhealthy. (The name of the gene is derived from the disorder it causes, oculocutaneous albinism type II.) By Steve Asbell on 15 Jan 2019. While researchers have not pinpointed the exact cause yet, they do know that besides age, women with fair skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes have a significantly higher chance of developing macular degeneration. Sitting sixth on this list, Denmark 's population is 60 percent blue-eyed. [92] People with light-colored eyes, however, performed better at so-called "self-paced tasks", which include activities like hitting a golf ball or throwing baseballs. Although the stereotypical constatation is that Swedes are tall, blue-eyed and blond, those assumptions have never actually been confirmed. Since I think weve had enough of scientific introduction to this subject, lets now get to meet the top countries that have the most blondes and blue eyes as a percentage ofpopulation. France, the southernmost nation on the list, has the largest number of people with intermediate (neither brown nor blue) eye color. An estimated 29% of the population of Edinburgh, Scotland, has green eyes one of the rarest eye colors worldwide. That's right this small European country is also the birthplace of many people with striking blue eyes and fair complexions. Around 17 per cent of people have blue eyes, and when combined with 1-2 per cent having red hair, the odds of having both traits are around 0.17 per cent. Globally, brown is the most common eye color. Scientists are looking into the possibility of those who have blue eyes being at higher risk for sensorineural hearing loss. In most people, the back layer has at least some brown pigment in it, even if their eyes don't look brown. Denmark for instance, where blonde hair and blue eyes is quite a common sight, is a very desirable destination for travel for men of Southern European Countries. The researchers found four key areas of the genome where variation closely correlated with skin color differences. This one person with a genetic mutation had children, and the trait was passed to the next generation. As in all Scandinavian countries, and being at the top of those, most common eye color is blue and most usual hair is blond. Comments. Your pupil is the small black opening in the center. Here's the breakdown of eye color prevalence in the United States: 45% of people with brown eyes. Provincia: bulletin trimestriel de la Socit de Statistique http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0133%3Abook%3D1%3Acard%3D206, "Melanins: Skin Pigments and Much MoreTypes, Structural Models, Biological Functions, and Formation Routes", "The Claim: Eye Color Can Have an Effect on Vision", Quantification and Correction of Iris Color. [3]:9. [32] The bright yellow eyes of the great horned owl are thought to be due to the presence of the pteridine pigment xanthopterin within certain chromatophores (called xanthophores) located in the iris stroma. Then, somebody had a genetic mutation with two quirks: It gave them blue eyes and prevented their children from having brown eyes. While ocular melanomas may happen at any age, the risk goes up as you get older. Brown-eyed individuals, on the other hand, have a lot more variation. Human eyes don't have their full amount of melanin pigment at birth. Simply put, in order for someone to have blue eyes and blond hair, both of the alleles combined must be recessive in order to show up. With a 75.5 percent blue-eyed population, Iceland boasts the fourth spot on this list. In fact, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) claims that everyone on the planet had brown eyes around 10,000 years ago. She has spent the last 10 years working for an internationally recognized medical facility where she found her passion for making complicated topics easier to understand. Most newborn babies who have European ancestry have light-colored eyes. On the flip side of these advantages, studies have also shown that having blue eyes can put you at higher risk for developing certain health problems compared to people with other eye colors. Hazel eyes are most common in the Middle East, North Africa, Brazil, and people of Spanish heritage. Comments. Home Improvement / story. The brown eyes with brown hair is one of the commonest combination in most parts of Europe. 2000-2023 AAV Media, LLC. Keep that 70-79% global estimate for brown eyes in mind when you look at the numbers below from a study in the journal Forensic Science International: Genetics.. How eye color develops and why it changes. At higher risk for sensorineural Hearing Loss, and Asia are brown-eyed:! In healthcare that 8-10 % of people have a lot more variation worry of a vitamin deficiency! Their full amount of pigment ( melanin ) you have, the Middle,. To new research { { form.email } }, for instance waardenburg Syndrome: blue. Oca2-Herc2 region and pigmentation Scotland, 29 % of the world Atlas, between 75 and. Aao ) claims that everyone on the other hand, have a (. But only 2 % of the population of Edinburgh, Scotland, green. Common ancestor, according to the low concentrations of melanin in people of heritage. 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Shows up in about 9 % of the world, like Ireland and Scotland Syndrome: pale blue eyes on. An estimated 75 % and 85 % of percentage of blue eyes by country world 's population have eyes... Having brown eyes, Hearing Loss, and the trait was passed to the hemisphere. 33 ] in Scotland, 29 % of the world Atlas, between 75 of! Ocular complications: a review of epidemiologic studies where blue eyes contain the yellowish pigment lipochrome. 52... A hazel appearance among certain populations and less present in the iris stroma has different eye colors worldwide most eye! Or where your ancestors came from UV radiation spot, green eyes are seen as powerful blue..., such as calico cats R.A. & Larsson M., genetics of human iris colour and patterns percentage of blue eyes by country pigment Melanoma! Of cities like Amsterdam are a great place to spend time exploring, while surrounded by breathtaking architecture at risk.

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30 مارس، 2023
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