
Infertility in men and women

Glimpse …
Women ..
Diagnosing infertility means you cannot get pregnant after a year of trying.
If you are a woman over the age of 35, this means that you could not get pregnant after 6 months of trying.
Infertility can also be diagnosed in women who are able to get pregnant but do not complete the pregnancy.
Women who were unable to become pregnant will be diagnosed with primary infertility.
A woman who had at least one successful pregnancy in the past will be diagnosed with secondary infertility.
Infertility is not just a problem for women. Men can be infertile as well.

The causes of male infertility
In general, male infertility is associated with issues with the following:
Effective sperm production
Sperm count
Sperm shape
Sperm movement, which includes both the movement of the sperm’s oscillation itself and the transport of sperm through the tubes of the male reproductive system
There are a variety of risk factors, medical conditions, and medications that can also affect fertility.
Risk factors …
The risk factors associated with male infertility include, but are not limited to:
Smoking cigarettes
Excessive alcohol use
Being overweight or obese
Exposure to toxins, such as pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals
Medical conditions …
Some examples of medical conditions that can cause male infertility include:

Varicocele, or swelling of the veins around the testicles
The testes that did not come down to the scrotum
The presence of antibodies that attack and destroy sperm
Hormonal imbalance, such as low testosterone production
Medicines …
Medicines can affect some types of different treatments also for male fertility, such as:
Chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which is used to treat cancer
Some medicines for rheumatoid arthritis (RA (Or ulcerative colitis )UC)
Calcium channel blockers, which are used for high blood pressure
The investigations …
Your doctor will first take your medical history. During this time, they will ask about your general health, sexual history and factors that can affect your fertility.
They will also do a physical examination as they examine your genitals for any structural abnormalities or lumps.
Perform a semen analysis.
Depending on the results of the preliminary examination and semen analysis, your doctor may want to take additional tests.
These tests may include:
Hormone testing
Reproductive ultrasound
Genetic tests
Treatments …
Male infertility can be treated in a variety of ways, depending on the cause.
It can include treatment options for men surgery, drugs and assisted reproductive technology (ART).

Surgery can fix hazards preventing sperm from ejaculating, and it can also correct conditions such as varicocele.
In some cases, sperm can be obtained directly from the testes and then can be used in treatments of ART.

Medicines can be used to treat problems such as hormonal imbalances.
It can also be used to treat other conditions that can affect male fertility, such as impotence or an infection that affects sperm count.
Treatments by which eggs and sperm are treated outside the body.
This can include treatments such as in vitro fertilization And injecting sperm into tubes.
Sperm can receive treatments ART From ejaculation, or extracting from the testicles, or from a donor.
The causes of female infertility ..
The cause of female infertility can be a variety of factors that influence or interfere with the following biological processes:
Implantation or adhesion of the fertilized egg to the endometrium.
Risk factors …
Risk factors for female infertility include:
Increased age
Smoking cigarettes
Excessive alcohol use
Significant weight gain, obesity, or underweight
Having a sexually transmitted infection (STIs). it can harm the reproductive system
Medical conditions …
A variety of medical conditions can affect the female reproductive system and cause infertility in women.
Examples include:
Ovulation disorders, which can be caused by PCOS) Or hormonal imbalances
Pelvic inflammatory disease PID
Endometrial problems
Uterine fibroids
Early ovarian failure
Scarring from previous surgery
Various medicines and treatments ..
Medications and medications that can affect female infertility include:

Chemotherapy or radiotherapy
Long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDS High doses such as aspirin (Bayer) and ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin)
Antipsychotic medicines
Tests and investigations ..
Female fertility begins to decrease after the age of thirty.
Women under the age of 35 must see a doctor after one year of trying to conceive, while women under the age of 35 and over should visit the doctor 6 months after trying.

Your doctor will first take your medical history.
You will be asked about the current state of your health, your sexual history, and any cases or diseases that may contribute to infertility.

The pelvic area is examined for malformations such as fibroids or conditions such as endometriosis.
Ultrasound can also be used to examine the ovaries and uterus.

Uterine imaging, a type of X-ray used to evaluate the fallopian tubes and uterus.
Laparoscopy, which uses a camera to examine the internal organs.

Ovarian precaution test, which uses a combination of hormone tests to determine a woman’s pregnancy potential – related tests include follicle stimulating hormone testing FSH.

Different treatments …
Female infertility treatment can include surgery and medications as well as techniques such as ART
Abnormally corrected uterus
Open the fallopian tubes
Removal of fibroids

Reproductive assistance can include methods such as intrauterine insemination (IUI,) Where millions of sperms are injected into a woman’s uterus near the time of ovulation.
IVF is a type of ART treatment and includes the removal of eggs that are fertilized by sperm in the laboratory.
After fertilization, the fetus is returned to the womb.
Medicines used to treat female infertility, such as hormones that are naturally present in the body, either encourage or regulate ovulation.
What is the cost of infertility treatments in Health Laguna ..
At Health Laguna we try hard to search for our patients for ideal conditions as well as for hospitals and medical centers of high quality and at the best prices in Turkey. Expenses change according to the individual case. You can request your quotation by writing to us, and we will answer you as soon as possible.

About the integrative services we provide here at Health Laguna ..
* Our services are not limited to securing appropriate treatment, but extends to provide free consultancy specialized in each case, and arrange the most appropriate appointments for patients from the reception at the airport to the presence of an interpreter for the duration of treatment.

27 December، 2020
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