
The process of hair transplantation in the facial area

Close-up portrait of a handsome bearded man

The process of hair transplantation in the facial area

The large development of hair transplantation has led to the influx of many people to perform hair transplantation in the facial area, not only hair transplantation, but not a small percentage of about 15% of the total hair transplant surgery in Turkey for chin hair transplantation and hair transplant, Where it is specialized in the cultivation of beard and mustache.

The beard is one of the aesthetic aspects of men as well as mustache. There may be some spaces in the beard area that make their shape abnormal and may be ashamed of the person, so many people tend to have thick beard hair, and they hope to have several ways to design this area, Attractive and beautiful.

Causes of hair loss in the facial area:

There are many reasons that may be exposed to men make them lose hair beard and mustache have the most important of these reasons:

• Wounds caused by burns, accidents or previous surgical procedures that have left some scars in the face area.

• Alopecia, which often appears as a result of the long beard hair.

• Hair loss may be due to hereditary genes.

• A person may have fungal infections as a result of shaving tools.

• Alopecia alopecia that cause hair loss in certain areas.

The difference between hair transplantation in the facial area and hair transplantation:

There is a very large difference between the two countries of agriculture, where the type and characteristics of hair beard and mustache is very different, and has many characteristics of the hair scalp, where the hair consists of the face of the units of individual cartilage, each one of the hair only one, and begins hair beard growth phase The effect of the hormone Androgen, and increase its density in the third decade of the person’s age.

Unlike the hair of the head, which falls due to the increase of Androgen hormone, and the shape and body of the beard from one place to another according to the ethnic group, we find that the men of the Middle East and India has a beard thick with other than other countries.

How hair transplantation takes place in the facial area:

This process must have a good planning in a distinctive way, where the doctor to test the entire face of the patient in detail, before he began to know the number of units to be planted areas beard and mustache, and the most needy of the number of these bulbs are suffering from hair loss genetics in the beard and mustache, Where they need to cultivate about 2500 bulbs to restructure the beard and mustache.

A doctor specializing in facial hair transplantation in Turkey removes the follicles from the hair-bearing area in the same way as the hair transplant. The difference in how these hair follicles are distributed to the hair receiving area determines the growth of hair implanted with precision and skill to appear natural. , And the doctor should be aware of the wounds and their size because any incision or injury may cause a clear impact on the face in the future.

There is a way to use beard hair as a donor area of ​​the same life. Some thick beard hair is picked to cover the less dense areas. This process is performed only if only 500_850 hairs are needed to grow and intensify the mustache, but more of this is done from the scalp As a donor area and the beard should not be used.

The most important areas in which the process of hair transplantation in the face:

• Hair transplantation in the area of ​​the cheeks.

• Hair transplantation in the jaw area.

• Hair transplantation in the area under the beard.

• Hair transplantation in the neck hair area.

• Hair transplantation in the Salaf area.

• Hair transplantation in the front beard area.

• Hair transplantation in the mustache area.

Where the hair transplantation in the face area and the side and the two sides are the most important parts on the back side, where the density of the upper part of the wool more than the bottom, and the total hair implanted each area about 2000 hair.

Hair transplantation and hair tightening at the front of the head:

The problem of baldness and hair loss has become very widespread especially at the front of the head and suffers from many, so many resort to the process of hair intensification in the front of the head, hair is the most important manifestations of beauty not only in women, but also men, and many of us suffer from psychological problems and exposure to embarrassment because of Their appearance, but there are those who live in tension and anxiety and great psychological pressure because of this problem.

Hair Transplant:

And the process of hair intensification at the front of the head is very successful and widespread, and today has gained widespread fame in many Arab and European countries and become affordable, so there is no problem has no solution anymore, the problem of baldness will disappear completely today, With many very sophisticated technologies,

Intensification of hair at the front of the head and top of the head:

It is one of the modern fields in cosmetic medicine, where doctors are working today on their development in a great way, and are trying to access the best techniques available for the process of agriculture, and the science is continuing to develop as many technologies have been discovered for agriculture, and has been invented many modern devices specialized in the field.

Steps of the process of hair intensification in front of the head:

• Before starting the operation, the doctor anesthetizes the patient locally.

• The doctor takes a very small piece of the scalp of the patient from the donor areas in the scalp of the patient and then the doctor sew the wound from which the piece was taken and after a week the effect of the surgery completely disappeared.

• The doctor prepares the follicles with a microscope and the process continues for several hours during which the patient enjoyed watching TV or eating.

• The doctor then anesthetizes the scalp of the patient anesthetized topically before starting to plant the bulbs and then work holes in the skin by a needle accurate.

• The doctor then implants the follicles in the scalp of the patient taking into account the direction of natural hair.

Reasons for the operation of hair intensification in the front of the head:

• To get rid of genetic baldness:

The causes of the operation of hair intensification at the top of the head baldness of the patient, where the hair is falling heavily at the top of the head of the patient or in the front of the head of the patient and sometimes falls at the top of the head of the patient and the sides of the head so the doctor to grow hair in areas where there is Large spaces.

• To reduce the large distance in the front of the patient’s head:

One of the reasons for the operation of hair intensification at the front of the head Minimize the large distance in the front of the head of the patient as most people who have a large distance between the beginning of the hair and eyebrows wish a small front in the beauty of their faces so the doctor to intensify the hair at the front of the head to increase the density of hair In the front line of the hair and help people increase facial beauty.

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