
Development of hand and upper extremity surgery

Development of hand and upper extremity surgery:

This specialization has developed rapidly in Turkey and has become one of the advanced countries in this field, which requires long experience and accurate surgical technique. Veld is a complex anatomical organ and performs a very important and complex function. The upper limb performs multiple functions in all directions.

The steady progress in the development of new techniques in hand and upper arm surgery has led to the removal of many traditional surgical procedures, and has moved from open surgery to operations by arthroscopy or skin or small wounds that are not more than a few millimeters, Causing loss of blood, shortening hospital stay, low healthcare costs, and good cosmetic results.


Upper and upper hand surgery in Turkey

  • Shoulder arthroscopy and frequent shoulder joint dislocation.
  • Arthroscopic arthroscopy and the liberalization of the median nerve and carpal tunnel.
  • Thumb arthroscopy.
  • Release the ligaments in the hand.
  • fractures of the head of the humerus.
  • Industrial joints change.
  • Switch joints.
  • Remove the neglected attachment.
  • Tumors of the hand, forearms and malignancy.
  • Rheumatism of the wrist and hand.
  • Edit the median nerve of the carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Congenital birth defects and excess and conjunctive fingers.
  • Correction of joint and orthopedic joints and bones.
  • fibrosis of the shoulder.
  • Correction of finger wrists and restoration of thumb ligaments and fingerprinting operations.
  • Edit the fingertip strings.
  • Break the fifth hand comb and the end of the radial bone.
  • Dislocation of the neglected ciliary bone.



These operations, which are performed in surgery, or arthroscopy supported by video imaging or replacement of industrial joints,

Safe and effective operations. Turkey has become one of the leading countries in this field and specialization in the world.

Friction or hip joint stiffness and treatment:

 The most common diseases in our societies, even less than the societies of the cold areas, is the friction and stiffness of the hip joint. The roughness of the joint is the erosion of the padded cartilage of the pelvic cavity where the femoral head (right) sits, as well as the padded cartilage of the femoral head.

The causes of this friction are many, some of which are essential with age and are directly proportional to the strength of pressure on the joint, especially due to weight gain, frequent parking, sports and violent acts.

 There are other causes of arthritic diseases such as infections, rheumatism, and congenital malformations

Dislocation of the hip, which may get complications and deformity in the hip joint, and many cases result from the use of cortisone heavily, should not forget that fractures that occur in or around the hip joint may lead to severe friction in the same joint.

Symptoms of hip joint pain include pain experienced by the patient in the same joint, sometimes pain extends to the lower back or knee, and almost all hip joint patients suffer from limp during walking.

 Through clinical examination we find pain in the place of friction with or without movement, limited movement of the joint, and the appearance of a clear glare during walking.

Diagnosis is usually clinical as described above, or through radiographic images, and this is sufficient and clear for the treating physician and we often resort to class images or magnetic resonance imaging. The patient needs to perform laboratory tests to exclude certain diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis infections.

This treatment is not a chronic disease and can be treated conservatively at first by directing the patient, and advised to reduce the fatigue of the joint, for example by avoiding long distance walking, not standing for long, reducing the climb and getting off the stairs and away from violent sports Such as jumping, carrying weights and going to a light sport where there is no pressure on the joint. Perhaps the best sport is swimming and exercises that strengthen muscles.

 The recommended drugs are pain relief such as paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and there are now safer anti-inflammatory drugs especially on the digestive system. However, paracetamol and cartilage nutrients may be useful in moderate cases, but they do not benefit from extreme friction. Cortisone needles reduce inflammation and congestion for two months or less, and the halogen lubricant and its derivatives are useful for maintaining On the viscosity of the cartilage padded inside the joint but does not build a new cartilage.


The process of ventilating and perforation of the joint may be useful in some cases of the medium, as there is now many studies and studies indicate the usefulness of stem cells taken from the same patient and focus.

In cases of severe friction with the presence of pain does not disappear with regular painkillers, it is recommended to process an artificial joint of the hip joint. The technique of artificial joints is now developing dramatically. For example, the hip joint is now available in Jordan and we have had the honor to be the first to use this type of joint in Jordan since 2008. This double joint prevents dislocation and the patient can then practice his life Naturally, exercise is also light, and women can conceive and give birth naturally with some warnings.


It is worth mentioning that modern synthetic joints are less complex and last longer than 25 years or more, in addition to modern antibiotics and anticoagulants.

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