
Symptoms of heart disease

Symptoms of heart disease

Symptoms of heart disease vary according to the disease, as follows:

Symptoms of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD):

Cardiovascular disease is caused by narrowing, blockage or stiffness in the blood vessels, leading to the lack of enough blood to receive the heart, brain or other organs in the body.

Symptoms of cardiovascular disease include:

Chest pain (angina pectoris)


Pain, numbness, weakness or feeling cold in the legs and arms, if there is a narrowing of blood vessels in them

Symptoms of heart disease caused by arrhythmia:

System disorder is arrhythmias. System disorders may include heartbeat at a rate higher than normal, at a rate lower than normal or irregularly.

Heart disease symptoms associated with heart rhythm systems include:

Flutter (tremor) in the chest


Slow heartbeat (slow pulse Bradycardia)

pain in chest

Tightness of breath


Fuzzy (Fainting – Fainting / Syncope) or a condition close to the foals

Symptoms of heart disease caused by a heart defect:

The acute congenital defect (Congenital defect) can usually be detected within hours, days, weeks or months after birth. Symptoms of heart disease include:

Light gray or blue skin (glowing – Cyanosis)

Abdominal swelling, in the legs or around the eyes

Tightness of breath during eating, which causes an insufficient rise in weight

Less severe and serious congenital defects are diagnosed, often, only late in childhood or even in adulthood.

Symptoms of congenital heart defects, which do not pose an immediate risk to life, include:

Ease of shortness of breath, as a result of physical activity or sports

Ease of feeling tired, as a result of physical or athletic activity

Accumulation of fluids in the heart or in the lungs

Swelling in the hands, ankles or in the soles of the feet

Heart disease symptoms caused by Cardiomyopathy:

Myocardial infarction means that the heart muscle becomes thicker and more rigid. Sometimes, in the early stages of myocardial infarction, there are no symptoms at all.

As the disease worsens and worsens, its symptoms may include:

Shortness of breath when exerting any effort, or even rest time

Swollen legs, ankles and feet

Abdominal swelling due to accumulation of fluid


Arrhythmias accelerate, palpitations or fluttering

Dizziness and fainting

Symptoms of heart disease caused by contamination

There are three types of heart infections:

Pericarditis (Pericarditis), a tissue inflammation (membrane) that covers the heart

Myocarditis affects the middle layer of the myocardium

Endocarditis affects the internal membrane separating the heart chambers and valves

Symptoms of heart disease caused by heart infection vary, depending on the type of infection, including:


shortness of breath

Weakness or fatigue

Swelling in the legs or in the abdomen

Changes in heart rate

Dry or persistent cough

Rashes or unusual patches

Symptoms of heart disease caused by a problem in the heart valves:

The heart has four valves:

Aortic valve

Mitral valve (mitral valve)

Pulmonary valve

Triplex (Ttricuspid valve)

All heart valves open and close to direct blood flow through the heart.

Heart valves may be damaged due to several factors that cause constriction, leakage (abnormal flow or insufficiency) or incomplete closure.

The symptoms of heart disease caused by damage in the heart valves differ depending on the valve of the affected heart and include:


shortness of breath

Arrhythmia or hear heart murmurs

Swelling in the palm of the feet or in the ankles

pain in chest


The risk factors that lead to heart disease include:







Lack of physical activity

Continuous tension

Poor hygiene.

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