
which of the following is an independent clause?

16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. The underdogs, Type the date of your DBA and list three ideas write in complete sentences, In the absolute true diary of a part-time indian after losing oscar, junior says, a bullet only cost about two cents, and anybody can afford that, see where they were going Weegy: 15 ? Copyright 1995-2018 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. WebA dependent clause contains a subject and verb, but cannot stand on its own as a complete sentence; an independent clause includes a subject and a verb, and expresses a complete thought. There is no comma after the conjunction. An independent clause is a sentence. Some common dependent markers: after, although, as, as if, because, before, even if, even though, if, in order to, since, though, unless, until, whatever, when, whenever, whether, and while. Inquiring minds want to know-what happened as a result of the iron being left on? (or) I like this class; it is very interesting. = 2 5/20 a) Generalize: What vision of contemporary life do these words suggest? = 15 ? Say to whom the following persons give a present. Which characteristic of james baldwins notes of a native son qualify as a work of literary nonfiction. The short answer is that dependent clauses always start with subordinating conjunctions. A clause is a phrase that contains a subject and a verb or verb phrase. A dependent clause may contain a subject and a verb, but it begins a thought that it doesn't finish: Because Amy left the iron on.When the firemen arrived at the dorm. Independent clauses can be sentences, or they can be one part of a sentence. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. Although early American writers were mostly men, women had their fair share of writing. WebWhere is the conjunction in the sentence?After the girls went to the movies, they went to get ice cream., Where is the conjunction in the following sentence? We hope you feel confident about identifying and using independent clauses after this article. I would talk to Frank if I knew him but people dont ever talk to him . You could just as well write the following: Because Amy left the iron on, the dorm's obsolete wiring melted and started a fire.When the firemen arrived at the dorm, Jennifer and Mai had already put out the fire. (For more information, see the TIP Sheet Fragments.) (or) I like this class, and it is very interesting. WebWhich of the following is an independent clause? A sentence that can NOT stand on it's own. An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought. List the ways Ralph tries to instill a sense of order (Compound sentences are sentences that have two (or three) independent clauses which are joined by one of the following conjunctions: for, nor, yet, so, and, but, or. WebAn independent clause is a group of words that contains both a subject and a predicate. Well cover those in the next section. They can also denote a change in tone. These two methods of coordination are demonstrated below: Jennifer put a new washer in the bathroom faucet before leaving for the party; Mai figured out how to fix the garbage disposal. Explain. weegy. I have the software to the end of the word , Drop the last letter of the word and then add the suffix , double the last letter of the word theyre not a suffix ,Or change the last letter of the word To y and then Add the suffix, Which one of the following is a run on sentence ? These subject and verbs must be related. However, both clauses contain a subject and a verb, so why is one a complete sentence but not the other? The predicate doesn't have to contain an actionit can also include "be verbs" (like is, was, was not, etc). a. after he signed the contract b. of the two choices c. please call with any questions you have d. if you have any When the second independent clause in a sentence begins with a coordinating conjunction, a comma is needed before the coordinating conjunction: An independent marker word is a connecting word used at the beginning of an independent clause. It can function as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. A grammar checker, style editor, and writing mentor in one package. WebClauses may be either independent or dependent. An independent clause is a complete sentence in itself but may appear together with other clauses in compound or complex sentences. Note that the clauses are separated with a comma when the dependent clause comes first. D. drop the last letter of the word and then add the suffix. WebAn independent clause (a clause is a group of words that contains at least one subject and one verb) is one that can stand on its own two feet--independently. Comma Before "Except": When You Do and Don't Need One, Lowercase and Uppercase Letters: Definition and Meaning, Cause and Effect: Definition, Meaning, and Examples, The Best Places to Find Free Grammar Help Online, List of 260 Positive Adjectives to Use in Your Descriptions. A _____ contains an independent clause and a dependent The parallelogram shown represents a map of the boundaries of a natural preserve. The subject is the "who" or "what" of a clause. An independent clause is a sentence. If Carol thinks the plan will solve the problemb. An independent clause is also called the main clause. Which of the following is an independent clause? WebA dependent clause contains a subject and verb, but cannot stand on its own as a complete sentence; an independent clause includes a subject and a verb, and expresses a complete thought. Yesterday is dead, and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just today, and I'm going to be happy in it. You can join independent clauses if you want to. If you choose to coordinate two independent clauses using a semicolon, you have another option. Forgetting to pay attention to his surroundings. Finally, the last sentence contains one dependent clause (after the party was over) and two independent clauses (we all went home/the children went to bed). A dependent marker word is a word added to the beginning of an independent clause that makes it into a dependent clause. Using a dependent clause as a sentence creates a sentence fragmentan incomplete sentence that isn't grammatically correct. It depends on the type of sentence, which well cover in the next section. WebCrown Lnnds Office, Wellington, 17th March, 1860. s HPHE Commissioner of Crown Lands pub- * lishes the following extracts from the j " Waste Lands Act, 1858" (proclaimed by His Excellency the Govfirnor, on the 15th February, I 1860, as having received "the assent of Her j Majesty the Queen) and the " Auckland Waste . Now that you know what an independent clause is and how to identify it, we can go one step further into understanding this important grammar feature. "Because of the rainy weather. This handout defines dependent and independent clauses and explores how they are treated in standard usage. Note for Purdue Students: Schedule a consultation at the on-campus writing lab to get more in-depth writing help from one of our tutors. An "and" linking two independent clauses is preceded by a comma, and this applies to "but" and "or" too. See how choosing a different conjunctive adverb subtly changes the meaning of the pair: Jennifer put a new washer in the bathroom faucet before leaving for the party; however, Mai figured out how to fix the garbage disposal. = 15 * 3/20 Either clause can come first. answer choices to for and or but Question 9 30 WebTerms in this set (4) INDEPENDENT CLAUSE is a group of words with a subject and a predicate that expresses a complete thought and can stand by itself as a sentence. Which of the following is used to join an independent clause with a transitional expression Question 11 options: a) colon b) comma c) semicolon d) period asked by MM July 30, 2020 2 answers First, do you know what a transitional expression is? The definitions offered here will help you with this. Independent clauses are usually independent as the name implies. The amount of a good or service that people will buy at a specific price is the ____________________. We see here that "The boats depart quickly" is actually an independent clause. Whats an Independent Clause in a Sentence? Notice that no matter whether we use a semicolon, colon, or em dash to connect two independent clauses, we do not use a coordinating conjunction. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Which of the following is an independent clause? Answer a question (Postgres) I'm not clear on the following: I'm selecting various fields from STUDY_T which may be sub-selects with aggregate functions. doesn't rely on any more explanation). When you combine two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction, you must place a comma before the conjunction. Explain. Yes it is underline but we're not sure if it's correct please answer it properly kahit no. :). This makes it a compound sentence. What Are the Parts of an Independent Clause? In other words, it has a subject and a verb, and 'I don't like peanut butter.' If the independent clause comes first, no punctuation separates the two. The adults drank hot cocoa, and the kids played in the snow. Simple b. Early American writers were mostly men. One side of the resulting sentence (the independent clause) is stronger, and the other side (the dependent clause) is weaker, or subordinate. Correct: I like this class. get thee back into the tempest and the night's plutonian shore, on the pallid bust of pallas just above my chamber door. My best friend is very graceful and can walk in eight inch high heels. How long should she make them?a. Typically, this means that the subject is doing the verb in that clause, although the verb might not be an action verb (for example, is isn't an action verb). Understanding independent clauses is important for structuring sentences correctly. Please cite sources in APA format. Jerry told me he likes june but he likes Julie better . Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for , Where is the independent clause in the sentence?Although Bailey went on a cruise, she got all of her goals finished for the week. Then the decision was made REF: p. 120 31. Expert answered| Cheruiyot |Points 5842|. WebA dependent clause contains a subject and verb, but cannot stand on its own as a complete sentence; an independent clause includes a subject and a verb, and expresses a complete To form a complex sentence you will need two independent clauses and a dependent clause. Read the following passage "you're not here to read books, you're here to learn! " Imagine youre talking to your grandmother. An adverbial dependent clause that concedes a point made in the independent clause uses an adverb of concession such as although, even though, though, even if, whereas, while. What are Phonemes, Graphemes, and Digraphs? The second phrase is also not a clause because there is a verb but no subject. We went to the pool because it was a hot day. Added 8/9/2019 1:29:14 PM Fill in the missing letters of the word at the right. It is the noun or noun phrase that is doing the verb. And millions of other answers 4U without ads. It always contains a subject and a verb.e.g. 30 seconds. C. A semicolon should be placed before a conjunction in a compound sentence. PLEASE HELP I GIVE BRAINLYESTWhich organizational strategy focuses on the result of an event or decision?sequentialclassificationcompare/contrastcause We could capitalize the first word and put a period on the end, and it would be a complete sentence. (or) I like this class because it is very interesting. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. For example, each of the following independent clauses can stand alone: Jennifer put a new washer in the bathroom faucet before leaving for the party.Mai figured out how to fix the garbage disposal. Although early American writers were mostly men. A comma splice is the use of a comma between two independent clauses. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. Heres an example: We place the comma directly after the first independent clause and before the coordinating conjunction. Drop us a line or let's stay in touch via : Subscribe for writing hacks, special offers and free stuff, 2023 - Orpheus Technology, prowritingaid.com, Independent Clause: What It Is Explained with Examples. = 2 5/20 He died, as you'd expect a young officer to. WebWhich of the following is an independent clause? The clauses above contain a subject and a verb, and they finish the thought they have started; they are complete simple sentences. When adding a suffix that begins with a consonant, the general rule is to add the suffix to the end of the word. Independent clauses are usually independent as the name implies. Sentence fragments happen by treating a dependent clause or other incomplete thought as a complete sentence. Log in for more information. You can remember these with the acronym FANBOYS. INDEPENDENT & DEPENDENT CLAUSES: COORDINATION & SUBORDINATION. Which method, substitution or elimination is more efficient? 20 Editing Tips from Professional Writers, How to Use Alliteration to Improve Your Writing, Improve Your English Grammar With These Sites. Which of the following is an example of an independent clause a. the superhero wore a cape b. if no Computers and Technology, 03.04.2020 04:41. I wanted to leave but I was embarrassed to do so. WebAn independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, The first sentence is complete, it is a sentence that can stand alone. the statement that best explains why the tenth amendment reserves some rights and powers to states is that the framers believed in the principle of federalism. If the dependent clause is first (again, rather like an introduction to the main clause), it is followed by a comma (like in this sentence and the next). Do You Know the Key Differences Between UK and US English? Perry reads to his little sister. THIS IS FOR ECONOMICS scarcity of viable bike lanes in the city's choked streets. The emphasis should also be on the second clause. lord of the flies. A dependent clause can function in several different ways. semicolon comma colon dash. 1 / 20. Time Time-related conjunctions establish a period when the main clause will be or was performed. oobleck lord of the flies. I understand independent clauses, and how there are certain markers such as however, therefore, consequently which can denote an independent clause. B. add the suffix to the end of the word. An independent clause is a clause that contains a subject and a verb, conveys a complete thought Definition. Necessary and Proper Clause. Krystal N. Craiker is the Writing Pirate, an indie romance author and blog manager at ProWritingAid. Check out her website or follow her on Instagram: @krystalncraikerauthor. If not, it would be handy to look it up. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. D. in the fridge When you stop to think about it. The number of independent and dependent clauses in a sentence tells you what type of sentence it is. Jennifer put a new washer in the bathroom faucet since Mai was figuring out how to fix the garbage disposal. You might want to know more, but her statement isnt missing anything. A conjunctive adverb adds meaning or clarifies the relationship between the two clauses. The seven coordinating conjunctions used as connecting words at the beginning of an independent clause are and, but, for, or, nor, so, and yet. WebAn independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence and expresses a complete thought (i.e. early success of the bike program Why is it important to review existing policies b Often a dependent clause is marked by a dependent marker word. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . word formed of transposed letters of another \hspace{1cm} ANA __ __ __ __. Lets dive into exactly what an independent clause is, how to spot one, and how to write one. In the third and fourth phrases, the subject is "he" and the verb is "went." -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. Write a essay in which you analyze the role of the Emancipation Proclamation in the transition from slavery to freedom. For the sake of variety, however, you will often want to combine simple sentences using coordination to create compound sentences. What Is the Difference Between an Independent Clause and a Sentence? When you use one of the FANBOYS between independent clauses, you signal that the clauses are equal (sort of like how two independent roommates are equals). "Because of the rainy weather. 39. (or) My professor is intelligent; moreover, I've learned a lot from her. Underline once the Independent clauses and twice the dependent clauses. A sentence that can stand on it's own. When the second independent clause in a sentence has an independent marker word, a semicolon is needed before the independent marker word. To do so, he should click the Cover Page \begin{aligned} &f(t)=\dfrac{2t+7}{t-3} &h(n)=-2n^2-3n+1 \end{aligned} f(t)= t3 2t+7 h(n)=2n 2 3n+1 f(h(-1))=f(h(1))= Write an inequality to represent the sum of 2x and 3 is less than 4x. 15 Points all I have left please help. Express the probability as a fraction, decimal, and per Mark used the Cover Page gallery in Word to insert a cover page in his report but now he wants to delete it. The dog ate chocolate; consequently, we spent a fortune at the vet. 2 See answers A simple subject contains just the noun or pronoun with no additional modifiers. His is a verbal or oral response to an argument presenting an opposite viewpoint. = 45/20 The materials collected here do not express the views of, or positions held by, Purdue University. -is an independent clause. WebCorrect answers: 2 question: Which of the following is an example of an independent clause a. the superhero wore a cape b. if no one is coming c. since we talked d. we memorized the poem Which of the following is an independent clause? For example we could right.. This is true because it gives a complete thought and gives a clear and concise information . Write a essay in which you analyze the role of the Emancipation Proclamation in the transition from slavery to freedom. WebCorrect answers: 2 question: Which of the following is an example of an independent clause a. the superhero wore a cape b. if no one is coming c. since we talked d. we memorized the poem Walkin View a few ads and unblock the answer on the site. Just because the independent clause is stronger, it doesn't have to always go first. I think Frank might be too busy he likes to make people think youre smart . answer choices Dependent clause Independent clause Question 8 30 seconds Q. When separating compound sentences, you simply take apart through the conjunction. Although the cow and the bird were different species. Do you disagree with something on this page? To fix a comma splice, you can: If you still get confused on how to connect independent clauses, ProWritingAid can help. Its the action or state of being of a clause. It is very interesting. Compound . Use the appropriate form of a\`aa+definite article. 5/20 a ) Generalize: what vision of contemporary life do these words suggest baldwins notes of a clause of. To make people think youre smart stand alone as a complete thought i.e. Information, see the TIP Sheet Fragments. to think about it apart through the conjunction without,. Fourth phrases, the BAL will decrease slowly likes to make people think youre smart dive exactly! Wanted to leave but I was embarrassed to do so be one part of a natural.. Was performed of sentence it is coordination to create compound sentences, you simply take apart the... 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